Hey There,
My Name is Traci

I teach women how to build a small, local service business after divorce. Running a profitable business requires the right mindset, which is difficult to maintain in the face of challenges but it’s also the best time to make big, positive changes! I know because I’ve been there twice before myself, and now I help other women become financially secure and rebuild a beautiful life!

What Makes Me Unique:

Double The Scar Tissue – Navigating two marriages, separations, and divorces, I’ve successfully rebuilt twice.

Mom/Stepmom – With a blended family of 3 biological children and 1 bonus child, while working both inside and outside the home, I understand the complexity involved.

Proven Framework – Following the roadmap I developed, you can become self-sufficient following divorce by starting a small business.

Personalized Approach for 1:1 and Group Clients –By providing you with a comprehensive analysis, tailored strategy, and support through execution, you will succeed.

Becoming Refined:

Turning Point – Facing my 2nd divorce, I knew it was time to reevaluate my life.

Transformation – Taking advantage of the opportunity for change, I rebuilt my life to have more simplicity and joy.

Consulting Practice – Using my own personal and professional experiences, I now help women rebuild a thriving, financially secure life after divorce, by starting a small service business.


To educate and support women in starting a small service business, so they can create an independent life, support themselves and their family, and flourish after divorce.


To help put an end to sexism,
exploitation and inequality.


Respectful Empathy

Creative Problem-Solving

Growth & Development 

Empowering Independence

More About Me

Career Trajectory: Nurse → Sales → Operations → Project Management → Small Business Owner

Education: 4 Years of College, Nursing School

Life Experience: Married, Separated & Divorced, Twice Each. Blended Family with 3 Biological Children and 1 Bonus Child
Marital status, or any other outside factor, does not determine our "worth"

Time is a limited resource that continually appreciates

Self-evaluation is the only appraisal that matters

We have limited control, but we can choose the direction, quality and meaning of our lives
Lessons Learned
My strengths can give me the biggest headaches, but they're also the cure

Motherhood is a resume and skill builder, and running a business requires many of the same skills as running a house and caring for children

Working for myself gives me freedom, allows me to be available for my kids when they need me, and gives my life meaning and purpose
Random Facts
I Quit Sugar Every Morning, and Coke Zero is my only vice

I'm a Serial Hobbyist and Love Gardening, Painting, Woodworking, Flower Arranging, Hand Lettering, Design, & Baking

Favorite Binges - The Witcher, Ozark, White Lotus, The English, Toast, Norsemen & Veep
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The Refinement

Even in the best of circumstances, divorce is traumatic.  After seeking help from a licensed therapist or counselor, you can move past the initial sting of despair, and begin to process the grief and loss. Then with the right tools, information and guidance, you can build a successful business that will provide you with financial security, freedom, and a thriving life you want and deserve! 

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